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Free Halloween vector art pack with 11 scary, evil, spooky, cute and funny vector illustrations. Halloween is quickly approaching, so download this freaky vector stock footage collection to create creepy crawly artworks for your Halloween invitation, party poster or website decoration: pumpkins, bats, black cats, spiders, ghosts, monsters, witches, monsters and zombies.
With Halloween just around the corner, it’s about time to find the coolest Halloween vector footage to design your scary party invitation, freaky flyer, spooky poster, creepy greeting card or ghoulish website theme design. Here you’ll find all vector art stock images you need to create the ultimate artworks for your Halloween themed materials: frightening monsters, witches, bats, pumpkins, Jack O’Lantern, zombies, spiders and web, skulls, haunted house illustrations, ghosts, black cats, magic plants, cauldrons and Jack Skellington graphics, the king of Halloween.
The origins of Halloween go back a long time. 2000 years ago, The Celts celebrated ‘Samhain’ beginning of November, a celebration marking the end of summer and start of a new year. The Celts believed that with the long hours of winter darkness, the evil spirits of the dead were able to mix with the living. Gatherings were held to sacrifice fruits, vegetables and animals to please Lord Samhain, Lord of Darkness.
The traditional Halloween colors, orange and black, date back to the ancient Samhain festival: black symbolized the darkness after death and orange represented the waiting time for the rebirth of wonder.
In the eight century, the first day of November was designated by the Catholic Church as ‘All Hallows’, a commemoration of ‘All Saints’. The night before was called 'All Hallows Eve', later renamed as Halloween. People celebrated the time of the wandering dead by offering gifts, drinks and food to the masked impersonators of the ghosts.
The story of Jack O’Lantern and the tradition of carving pumpkins dates back to 18th century Ireland. Jack was an Irish blacksmith who sold his soul to the devil and was denied entry to heaven. Condemned to wander the earth till the end of his days, Jack placed a burning coal inside a turnip to have some light. By placing a lantern in their window, villagers hoped to keep the damned blacksmith away. As turnips were hard to find in America, Irish emigrants kept the Halloween tradition alive using pumpkins instead.
The Halloween tradition of going from house to house, dressed up in scary costumes dates also back to Celtic times. On the night of Samhain, Celtic druids disguised themselves as evil spirits to chase other devils away. Today, goblins, ghosts, witches and other scary themes remain popular costume choices for a trick-or-treating visit to the neighbors.
No matter how old you are, Halloween is a great time to let your creativity rise to the top. Add some haunted fun to your Halloween with these 11 frightening & funny vector artworks. Whooaahahaha!
Scary Halloween Card by Aramis Dream
Website: aramisdream.altervista.org
Halloween Pumpkins Vector by Dezignus
Website: dezignus.com
Trick or Treat by DaPino
Website: dapino-colada.nl
Halloween Monsters by Ben Blogged
Website: benblogged.com
Halloween Bats by Allonzo
Website: allonzoinc.wordpress.com
Scary Faces by Chadlonius
Website: chadlonius.com
Halloween Icons by DaPino
Website: dapino-colada.nl
Jack Skellington Vectors by Seb Gonz
Website: sebgonz.deviantart.com
Halloween Skulls by Mulpo
Website: mulpo.com
Halloween Zombies by Chris Spooner
Website: spoongraphics.co.uk
Halloween vector artwork by CG Johnson
Website: Vector.NET
License: Creative Commons 3.0 Personal Use – Attribution

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1 Tim Barwick says...
Posted at 11:19 p.m. on October 27, 2010
2 Sandrine Bollinger says...
Posted at 2:58 a.m. on October 29, 2010
3 Annie says...
Posted at 11:53 a.m. on October 30, 2010
4 PowWow Goran says...
Posted at 2:44 p.m. on October 30, 2010